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His name was Samoset and he was an Abnaki Indian. He had
learned English from the captains of fishing boats that had sailed
off the coast. After staying the night Samoset left the next day. He
soon returned with another Indian named Squanto who spoke
better English than Samoset. Squanto told the Pilgrims of his
voyages across the ocean and his visits to England and Spain. It
was in England where he had learned English.
Squanto's importance to the Pilgrims was enormous and it can
be said that they would not have survived without his help. It was
Squanto who taught the Pilgrims how to tap the maple trees for
sap. He taught them which plants were poisonous and which had
medicinal powers. He taught them how to plant the Indian corn by
heaping the earth into low mounds with several seeds and fish in
each mound. The decaying fish fertilized the corn. He also taught
them to plant other crops with the corn.
The harvest in October was very successful and the Pilgrims
found themselves with enough food to put away for the winter.
There was corn, fruits and vegetables, fish to be packed in salt,
and meat to be cured over smoky fires.
The Pilgrims had much to celebrate, they had built homes in
the wilderness, they had raised enough crops to keep them alive
during the long coming winter, they were at peace with their Indian
neighbors. They had beaten the odds and it was time to celebrate.
The Pilgrim Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of
thanksgiving to be shared by all the colonists and the neighboring
Native Americans. They invited Squanto and the other Indians to
join them in their celebration. Their chief, Massasoit, and 90
braves came to the celebration which lasted for 3 days. They
played games, ran races, marched and played drums. The Indians
demonstrated their skills with the bow and arrow and the Pilgrims
demonstrated their musket skills. Exactly when the festival took
place is uncertain, but it is believed the celebration took place in
The America we witness today has seen much sacrifice
Should it not be the duty of each American to know this
We ve survived because of faith, determination, and great sacrifice
And don t just look at our military as a magnificent force
Whenever an American military presence moves into action
We are and always will be one nation under God
Finally, I wish each fine American a thankful Thanksgiving Day
Images from Autumn and The Harvest...
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