9/11 Remembrance Links
Days of Infamy: December 7 and 9/11 
Attacks on a country's home soil leave indelible scars. Often an iconic photograph comes to symbolize such events, but the voices of the people illuminate the depth of reactions in a way that no single picture can. Days of Infamy, focuses on two of the deadliest attacks on the United States: Pearl Harbor and 9/11. The accounts from ordinary citizens in the wake of the disasters are both moving and personal. Compare the responses from citizens in 1941 and 2001 and the effect these tragedies had on their views on patriotism, sacrifice, and the alleged "enemy among us." Despite the 60-year difference between attacks, you'll find the fears and hopes of those interviewed are remarkably similar.
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Witness and Response: September 11 Acquisitions at the Library of Congress 
It's been over three years, but the events of September 11th, 2001 are still as vivid as if they took place yesterday. As with any event of such magnitude, the fallout from that day continues to be analyzed and dissected. With this collection, the Library of Congress offers a look at some of the 9/11-related material they've accumulated. Listen to audio clips from eyewitnesses, see the events depicted in the drawings of children, get a feel for the international persective with items collected from overseas, and experience Ground Zero through maps and photos. The vast collection continues to grow as original items from all mediums are added. If you'd like to contribute to the history of 9/11, you're invited to take part and submit your memories as a part of this moving tribute.
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Project Rebirth 
Perchedhigh on the rooftops surrounding Ground Zero are six time-lapse cameras, each capturing a frame of film every five minutes from their respective vantage points. They are the silent partners in a film project chronicling the birth of the Freedom Tower and memorial that will arise from the blank slate where the World Trade Center once stood. When construction is complete, the footage will be compiled into a time-lapse film compressing the Herculean efforts of countless urban planners, architects and key organizations in the renewal of Lower Manhattan. Flip through the project journal or scroll through the timeline for a sense of the scale and magnitude. In a poignant parallel, for a decade the filmmakers will follow 10 people whose lives were forever changed by the tragedy of 9/11.
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Ground Zero Quilt
A quilt by Lois Jarvis. When the quilt comes up, click on it to enlarge it, and then click again and again -- each time it gets larger. When you make it big, you will see the
faces of people who died at the World Trade Center. Lois Jarvis of Madison, Wisconsin made this beautiful quilt. Imagine the amount of work and planning that had to go into this. It is a labor of great love.
PBS: We Remember
PBS consistently takes a thoughtful approach to current events, and the network's 9/11 anniversary coverage is no exception.
Afghanistan Year 1380 looks at the lives of ordinary Afghans during the U.S. bombings and ousting of the Taliban regime. This documentary also accompanies an independent medical relief group struggling to help the war-torn country. Caught in the Crossfire follows the lives of three Arab-Americans in post-9/11 NYC as they deal with harassment and conflicting feelings. Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero examines how the attacks affected spiritual life in America. In the Mix: The New Normal views life after 9/11 through the eyes of four teenagers, featuring their scrapbooks and video clips. America Rebuilds: A Year at Ground Zero chronicles the process of clearing Ground Zero and profiles some of the people involved at the site. Finally, Heroes of Ground Zero recounts the history of the NYC fire department and shares the words of firefighters who survived the World Trade Center tragedy. If you want to experience different perspectives and see how people carry on in the wake of the attacks, these PBS features provide an excellent foundation
Space Imaging: One Year Viewed From Space
Space Imaging observes the one-year anniversary of September 11 by offering a fascinating digital archive of pre- and post-attack
images of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. IKONOS was the only high-resolution commercial imaging satellite in orbit that day, and it captured the "compelling visual chronology of the destruction and rebirth." The one-meter resolution satellite images
are razor sharp and offer a different perspective of the areas destroyed by the attacks. Start with the photo taken of the WTC in
June of 2001, then click through the subsequent photos to witness a time-lapse depiction of the clean-up effort. For a truly unique
view of the devastation, be sure to download the larger images
BBC News: September 11th - One Year On
For a slightly different perspective on the events of 9/11, the BBC provides a place for remembrance through their distinct brand
of no-nonsense journalism. Supplemented with audio and video, the site provides news and commentary about the day and its global aftermath. We recommend a video essay from Noam Chomsky, man-on-the-street interviews from Kabul to London, and a weighty roster of BBC-hosted discussions that took place on the one-year anniversary. While we'll never forget where we were as the events unfolded, it's interesting to hear Tony Blair, Condoleezza Rice, and other politicians explain where they were and what they were thinking. This comprehensive view of the events from one of the world's finest broadcast outlets should not be overlooked
CNN.com: World Trade Center: Your Proposals
While the Port Authority of New York is reviewing six different
plans to replace the World Trade Center, many people have their
own ideas about what should occupy the area where the towers stood.
CNN posted over 1,000 designs submitted from around the world.
Sketches, diagrams, and descriptions express how sacred the 16 acres known as Ground Zero have become. Some of the drawings appear to have been made by children, while others look quite professional. Most incorporate solemn tributes to the dead with some measure of commercial space. Gardens, fountains, reflecting pools, park benches, flags, and eternal flames are popular. Many people suggest the footprint of the original towers be left vacant, while a few recommend no commercial buildings at all. It will probably be years before a plan is completed, but in the meantime, we can reflect and ponder the nature of a truly fitting memorial
CNN: September 11 - A Memorial
- established as an evolving record of those who died during the tragic events, and a place for readers to build a living memorial for them.
CNN: America Remembers
- in-depth special marking the first anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Yahoo Directory: September 11th Attacks
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